Page 204 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 204

Team Accontplishes Goals

                                                                                  -Kyle Marler
                                                      The Girls Varsity Bas-  season, and it felt good to prove  felt we had given all we had and
                                               ketball  team  started  out  the  that we could do it," Junior  Jane  just  came  up  short,  "  Senior
                                               season a little rocky , but ended   Winkel said .         Katie Glorvick  said .
                                               with  one  of the  best season's    The  Lady  Mustangs           Although they did  not
                                               they've ever had.            went  on  a  winning  streak  the   win their district, they earned a
                                                      In  the  first two weeks  second half of the season. They  wildcard into the  state tourna-
                                               of  the  season  the  team  had   won 10 games,  while only losing   ment,  at  the  Bob  Devaney
                                               won  games over Benson  and   one.  The  loss  coming  at  the   Sports Center  in  Lincoln.  They
                                               Central, but lost games to arch-  hands of  the  Omaha North  Vi-  were  paired  against Millard
                                               rival Millard South and Fremont  kings.                   South.  After jumping out to  a
                                               High.                               The  team  ended  the  first half lead of  16-7, the Mus-
                                                      The  highlight of  the  season by pummeling the South   tangs were unable to hold off a
                                               season was winning the Metro   High  Packers.             fourth  quarter comeback  and
                                               Holiday Tournament.  They         Going into the district tour-  ended  up  losing the  game  by
                                               beat Thomas Jefferson, Burke,  nament they were  ranked  fifth   three points.
                                               North,  and Bryan on  their way   by the Omaha World Herald. In   The team ended the sea-
                                               to becoming Metro Tournament  the district championship game  son  with  an  18-5  record , and
                                               champions.  "It was one of our  the team lost to the Marian Cru-  ranked  fifth  in  the state by  the
                                               goals  at  the  beginning  of  the   saders in double overtime. "We   Omaha World Herald.
                 Girls Varsity Basketball team: front:
                 Katie  Kerrigan,  Jenny  Reinke,  Kim
                 Stigge,  Michelle Caverhill,  Tricia
                 Paulsen , back: Coach Jeff Ritz, Heather
                 Beasley, Jane Winkel, Kat ie Glorvick ,
                 Megan  Proplesch, Jenny Kros , Sarah
                 Sinclair,  Anne  Donahue,  Jennie
                 Underwood, Coach Terry Theilen.

                 In  the  District championship game
                 against Marian ,  Senior Michelle Caverhill
                 makes  a  jump  shot  over  a  defender.
                 The team  lost in  double overtime.
                 (Alex Herr)
                 Junior Jane Winkel skies over the Indian
                 defense. She led the team with over 17
                 points per game.  (Jon  Waller)
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