Page 205 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 205
In the first round of the state playoffs at
the the Bob Devaney Sports Center,
the Mustangs played Millard South. Sophomore Katie Kerrigan shoots the
Senior Jenny Kros looks off in disbelief ball in the teams game versus Burke.
as Seniors Kim Stigge and Michelle The team won that evening by the score
Caverhill console one another. of 47-43. (Jon Waller)
(Jon Waller)
Head coach Jeff Ritz tells his basketball During the state playoff game against
team the game plan for the last minutes Millard South, Senior Jenny Kros rumbles
oft he game against the Burke Bulldogs. over an Indian on her way to retrieving a
(Jon Waller) loose ball. (Jon Waller)
.G. Varsity B-Baii····· • • • • • • •