Page 206 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 206

Girls Go Unbeaten                                                            Sophomore Jaclyn Landa goes for two
                                                                                                         despite opposition from  Lincoln
                                                   -Jennifer David                                       Northeast J.V.  players. The Mustangs
                                                                                                         won  54-36.  (Heather Deffenbaugh)
                         Hard  work and  coop-  perennial powerhouses as  Johannes.  Theilen  also  said
                 eration showed as the girls JV  Millard South,  Marian,  and  good  leadership was  provided
                 Basketball Team proved itself  Papillion-LaVista.        by    Underwood,     Angela
                 as a major force by completing     One  of  the  challenges  Bredenkamp,  Anne  Donohue,
                 an  undefeated season.      the team faced was that players  and Lynne Officer.
                         The  success came  were forced to play a lot of differ-  Underwood said, "The
                 from unity within the team . "We  ent positions.  This didn't hinder  fun  we had  together as a team"
                  played together as a unit.  We  the lady mustangs. "People still  was most memorable. Not only
                 got along well  with  each  other  played  unselfishly  and  played  did the Lady Mustangs have fun ,
                 and learned the value of work-  well together as a team ," Junior  they beat all their opponents. In
                  ing together toward a common  Jennie Underwood said .   fact  Coach  Thielen  said ,  "We
                  goai,"Coach Terry  Thielen         Leading  scorers  were  made it  through four months of
                  said .   This  strategy  led  the  Sophomores Erinn  Officer,  basketball and still kept our san -
                  team to 15 wins beating such  Lesley  Miller,  and  Katie  ity!"

                 In  a pregame  pep  talk,  Coach Terry
                 Thielen  coaches  the  JV  Girls  to  a
                 victory over Gross High  School
                 (Andrea Wagaman)
                 J.V. Girls Basketball: front- Elisa
                 Koch,  Lesley  Miller,  Erinn  Officer,
                 Lynne  Officer,  Heidi  Taggart; back-
                 Jennie   Underwood,   Angela
                 Bredenkamp, Angie Johannes, Katie
                 Johannes,  Megan  Kros,  Anne
                 Donohue, Coach Thielen.
                 (Jack Martin Photography)

                                         JV/Frosh  Girls
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