Page 93 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 93
Compassion Sparks . Activity
-Jenny Winkler
Those who were in which the 11-12 display case and maintain friendships strived for its goal by writing
concerned with the lives of was utilized for artifacts, and between students with special letters in hopes that prisoners of
others were able to get involved suggesting the dismissal of needs and mainstream conscience (those being held for
in several ways. Minority school for Dr. Martin Luther students." Each pair also religious or racial reasons)
Awareness , Peer Advocates, King Jr.'s birthday. However, attended group activities would be released and that
a nd Amnesty International clubs the majority of club time was including a pizza party, bowling, other prisoners would be
were all focused on enriching spent sharing thoughts and and an Omaha Racer's game. treated fairly and humanely.
the lives of others. feelings about minority While Minority The extra effort was
Cultural Awareness awareness with other members. Awareness and Peer Advocates sometimes difficult to provide for
was headed by Social Studies Peer Advocates, too, were designed to directly help activities and meetings.
teacher Bev Johnson, in an played a crucial role in the lives students, Amnesty However, the compassion took
attempt to "foster understanding of students. Peer buddies were International's focus was on a over and the satisfaction of
of other people and of ethnic chosen for students who had global scale. "Amnesty worked knowing that one had
differences. " Students came committed to four hours a to protect human rights when significantly helped the life of
together for various activities month of activities. Advisor Beth other governments failed to do another was a definite reward
su ch as planning Native Johnson said, "The goal of the so ," said Junior Jamie Williams, for those involved in the human
American week during October, Peer Advocates was to develop president of the club. The group interest groups.
Patel , Rupal
Patera, Diana
Paulsen, Tricia
Paulson, Ryan
Payne, Shawn
Peers, Daniel
Penke, Bryce
Petersen, Scott
Peterson, Heather
Peterson, Joshua
Phillips, Amy
Phillips, Matthew
Pitt, Jeremy
Pixton , Ashley
Potter, Eugene
Potter, Joseph
Puis, Lane
Radomski, Kristi
Ralph , Brad
Rankin , Lee
Ray, Brett
Re , Leeann
Reinhard, Colette
Rice, Megan
Richhart, Jason
Rinker, Angela
Rivera, Javier
Roberts, Amy
Robertson, Raechel
Roman, Juan