Page 95 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 95
Club Improves Writing During a writer's club meeting Advisor
-Angie Rinker Mary Hills sits at her desk and ponders
about what course of action the meeting
for the day should follow.
Over the course of the "The writer's club was, became a problem for some. (Michelle Cadmus )
year, members of writer's club a casual setting and a support "The students would have rather •
met two times a month and en - group for people who enjoyed talked about writing rather than
tered their work into as many writing or being published," Ad- doing it because of having too I
contests as became available. viser Mary Hills said. Members much to do in their classes,"
The scholastic contest benefitted from being a peer- Hills said.
in January allowed students to editing group where the students The meetings attended
use their imaginations and enter critiqued each other's work. by members were somewhat
their work by the deadline. The During the meetings the like a social gathering and a
members cou ld also submit any- members brought in works that learning experience. " Through
thi ng, except for poetry, into a they had written, and then they writer's club. I learned to im-
conte st the Omaha World Her- read them aloud to members. prove my writing and accept
ald held every month throughout Sometimes,however, writing more constructive critcism," Se-
the year. stories for an outside contest nior Cera Sifers said.
Sheffield, Rebecca
Shepherd, John
Sheppard, Stephen
Shin, Steve
Shirmang, Erin
Shrago, Shifra
Sizer, Robert
Skid, Allison
Skoumal, Cory
Smallwood, Shea
Smith, Holly
Sorensen, Daniel
Sorensen, David
Soucie, Michelle
Spade, Michael
Splittgerber, Allison
Stabno, Julie
Stawniak, Lisa
Steele, Courtney
Stephenson, Shane
Stevens, Brian
Steventon, Renee
Stigge, Matthew
Stoltzmann, Eric
Stouder, Paul
Stromsness, Chad
Suurvarik, Kira
Swanson, Jill
Swircek, Andrew
Sylvis, Lance