Page 96 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 96

Taggart, Carolyn
                                 Tarr, Tiffany
                              Tennant, Kristen
                              Thomas, Chrissy
                            Thomason, Jeremy
                          Thompson, Benjamin

                             Thomsen, Harold
                            Thomson, Deborah
                             Thurber, Matthew
                               Tichauer, Kelly
                             Timanus, Michael
                            Timberlake, Wendy

                               Timm, Matthew
                                   Tipp, Alan
                             Tomczak, Heather
                             Topping, Matthew
                                Tunik, Heather
                                Tuttle, Michael

                                   Uhl , Brent
                           Underwood, Jennifer
                                 Unrau , Justin
                                Uptagraft, Bret
                                  Valenti, Jill
                          VanHorn, Christopher

                           Vantilburg, Elizabeth
                               Vaughn, Jeffrey
                                 Vigstol, Eric
                               Vincent, Jeffrey
                                Vincent, Tony

                             Vosi cka,  Jacqueline
                               Waller, Thomas
                                  Wand, Ryan
                                 Wariord, April
                                Warwick, Dawn
                               Watson, Michael

                  The  foreign  language clubs  invited
                the  Indian Oven to  a special meeting
                where the Oven prepared five different
                dishes one of which was demonstrated
                for students on  site. Juniors Alex Herr,
                Kara Gilbreath, and Ruth  Lane  are in
                line waiting. (Jamie Clanton)

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