Page 97 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 97
Experiencing Other Cultures Vital
-Jolene Lundgren
The foreign language to see students choosing to roller skating. ties was also the benefit of get-
clubs enjoyed a variety of differ- have a cultural experience out- German Club worked ting to know foreign exchange
ent proje cts . side of the traditional classroom. toward the state student con- students, Aneta Nowak was
The Spanish and andl to appreciate different vention, and also had a picnic from Poland, and Doris Benz
French clubs joined together to ways of doings things." said with the other foreign language was from Austria. "Coming to
form one . The club lnivited vari- French Club advisor Scott But- clubs, saw and participated in another country to live for a
ous speakers , some of whom ler. games, and had a Faschingsfest. whole year was a great experi-
spoke the language on a regular Latin club provided some The club also donated money ence. We studied English in our
basis , and focused on other fundraising for field trips, social for prizes for an elementary schools, but only everyday
countr ies' cultures. A French events, class materials, schol- poster contest. speaking made it really fluent.
Un iversity student was a arships and an academic tour- All foreign languages We really enjoyed this country!"
teacher 's aide , and second quar- nament. They purchased books contributed toward a scholar- said Senior Aneta Nowak.
ter she shared cultural materi- for the Latin library. To get to ship fund so that one foreign It was that kind of
als . Also on the agenda were know each other better, they sat language student from each lan- attitiude that helped pull old
volleyball , food tasting parties, down for a meal at Big Fred's, guage could receive $200. and new students together in
and a crepe party. " It was great the Olive Garden, and went Adding to club activi- the global community.
Wattier, Rebecca
Weaver, Daniel
Weber, Scott
Weiner, Denise
Weiand, John
Welch, Angela
Welch, Lynn
Wheeler, Wendy
Whitworth, Paul
Whorlow, Danielle
Wicht, Brenda
Wilds, Aron
Will , Andrew
Williams, Beth
Winkel, Jane
Woeppel, Rachel
Wolfe, Casey
Wolff, Jonathan
Wood, Beth
Wright, Angela
Wyant, Emily
Yepma, Holly
Yerks, Jeff
letterman, Corey
Zimmerman, Andrew
Zito, Stephanie
Zu cker, Dana