Page 97 - 1993.Millard.North
P. 97

Experiencing Other Cultures Vital

                                                -Jolene Lundgren
          The  foreign  language  to  see  students  choosing  to   roller skating.          ties was also the benefit of get-
    clubs  enjoyed  a variety of differ-  have a cultural experience out-  German  Club  worked   ting  to  know foreign  exchange
    ent  proje cts .             side of the traditional classroom.  toward  the  state  student  con-  students,  Aneta  Nowak  was
          The  Spanish  and  andl  to     appreciate different  vention,  and  also had  a picnic   from  Poland,  and  Doris  Benz
    French  clubs  joined together to   ways  of  doings  things."  said  with  the other foreign language   was  from  Austria.  "Coming  to
    form one . The  club lnivited vari-  French Club advisor  Scott But-  clubs,  saw  and  participated  in   another  country  to  live  for  a
    ous  speakers ,  some  of  whom   ler.                     games, and had a Faschingsfest.   whole year was a great experi-
    spoke the  language on a regular   Latin  club provided some  The  club  also  donated  money   ence.  We studied English in our
    basis ,  and  focused  on  other  fundraising for  field  trips, social   for  prizes  for  an  elementary  schools, but  only everyday
    countr ies'  cultures.  A  French  events, class  materials,  schol-  poster contest.    speaking made  it  really  fluent.
     Un iversity  student  was  a  arships and  an  academic tour-    All  foreign  languages  We really enjoyed this country!"
    teacher 's aide , and second quar-  nament. They purchased books  contributed  toward  a  scholar-  said  Senior Aneta Nowak.
     ter she  shared  cultural  materi-  for  the  Latin  library. To  get  to   ship  fund  so  that  one  foreign   It  was  that  kind  of
     als  . Also  on  the  agenda were   know each other better, they sat   language student from each lan-  attitiude  that  helped  pull  old
     volleyball , food  tasting  parties,  down for a meal  at  Big  Fred's,  guage could receive $200.   and  new  students together in
     and  a crepe  party. " It was great  the  Olive  Garden,  and  went   Adding  to  club  activi-  the global community.
                                                                                             Wattier, Rebecca
                                                                                             Weaver, Daniel
                                                                                             Weber, Scott
                                                                                             Weiner, Denise
                                                                                             Weiand, John
                                                                                             Welch, Angela

                                                                                             Welch, Lynn
                                                                                             Wheeler, Wendy
                                                                                             Whitworth, Paul
                                                                                             Whorlow, Danielle
                                                                                             Wicht, Brenda
                                                                                             Wilds, Aron

                                                                                             Will , Andrew
                                                                                             Williams, Beth
                                                                                             Winkel, Jane
                                                                                             Woeppel, Rachel
                                                                                             Wolfe, Casey
                                                                                             Wolff, Jonathan

                                                                                             Wood, Beth
                                                                                             Wright, Angela
                                                                                             Wyant, Emily
                                                                                             Yepma, Holly
                                                                                             Yerks, Jeff
                                                                                             letterman, Corey

                                                 Zimmerman, Andrew
                                                 Zito, Stephanie
                                                 Zu cker, Dana
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