Page 17 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 17

Friends group together at  Mahoney State
                                                                                           Park.  Sophomores  Kylie Clark,  Stacey
                                                                                           Brown, Kathy  Burton,  Maggie  McKain,
                                                                                           Christa Hamilton, and Sara Miley were there
                                                                                           for a good time!  (Sara  Miley)
                                                                                          Seniors Sabrina Ogaz and  Nicole  Brown
                                                                                          enjoy the sights in  Monterrey, Mexico over
                                                                                           summer vacation.  (Sabrina  Ogaz)

                                                             Seniors Jaimie Moresette, Andria Skaff, and   Friends who gathered at Eric Bassik's house
                                                             Heather Moredick spend the night at Andria's   to celebrate his 17th birthday include seniors
                                                             house for a party.            Jessica Fry, Missy Tennison, David Wilson,
                                                                                           Eric  Bassik,  Kenny  Schlueter, and
                                                                                           sophomore Meghan Fitzpatrick.  (Jessica
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