Page 18 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 18

When School's Out,

                                                                     Students Vacation

                                            er Trips                        Say  good-bye to  Omaha  dent Angell a Wilson, Millard South
                                                                     and hello to a multitude of places all   student Nicole Jones and I  had  a
                                                                     over the world!  This summer, stu-  home stay. The lady we stayed with
                                                                     dents voyaged near and far and came   didn' t speak any English, but she'd
                                                                     back with some unforgettable  been  to  Spain  and  knew  a  little
                                                                     memories.                     Spanish, so  we  talked to  her in  a
                                                                          Aside from the  twenty-hour  mixture of English, Spanish, and
                                                                     bus rides to and from Atlanta, sopho-  dictionary German."
                                                                     more Briehan Larson recalled her   The joys of vacationing with-
                                                                     funniest summer moment. "I was at   out  parents  were  discovered by
                                                                     a hotel, and the person I was  with   Evans.  "You can goof around a lot
                                                                     didn't know that there was a chain   more, and meet more people when
                          9,.,,,,      y,,, o,,,,,,                  hard and the chain fell off!  It stripped   you go  with your friends.  It's less
                                                                     on the door.  They rammed it really
                                                                                                   structured." Freshman Gila Drazen
                                                                     the  screw, and we  couldn't get it
                                                                                                   agreed that "going with  friends  is
                  II,,., II•••• •••  ••IIH  ••tl  fll•tJo•ltl  ••If   screwed back  in! "          definitely better because it's more
                                                                          Another funny memory was
                                                                                                   relaxed, and you don't have to worry
                  HIIJ•II #IIHII  #111•11,  .,,.,  wo•li fll•        the time when "one of my  friends   about a lot of stuff."
                                                                                                        Although some vacations
                   •Mgtl'umpet,photoglbumt,  a11d g tape ll'om g  ~lotell'ie11d•   fell through a roof.  He stepped on a   were just for fun, others were edu-
                                                                     spot that hadn't been  roofed  yet,
                                            -$ophomo/'e  M•n• M•lr   and at first everyone was shocked.   cational. Sophomore J essica Gagne
                                                                     But when we  discovered he hadn't   summarized her experiences dur-
                   •My ~a,., mg /gmi/g  {but leave  mg tittel'},  a11d the hot tub •   been hurt, we laughed," said junior  ing four weeks at a music workshop
                                               -$et~iol'  DNW  K•ll•r   Becki Evans.               at  Indiana University.  "Not only
                                                                          Strange occurences were  a   did I improve as  a mu sician, I im-
                                                                     part of some vacations.  "On  the   proved as  a person, which is  more
                   •Mg pgiflfiflgt , mg tte/'eo,  g,d g ligul'ifle  •   way  to  Scottsbluff, we  were on  a   important. After all, music is an act
                                               -JufliOI'  Cll•i  Rle"'-'   highway just past Ogalalla going   of self-expression," she said.
                                                                     about 55  mph  with  a  tailwind.  I   Regardless  of where  or
                   •My ~lothet, mg wgte/'  bed,  a11d mg ttulled g11imal  •   looked out the side window and saw   why  some of these vacations were
                                                                     two ducks passing us!" said senior
                                           -$ophomol'e  J••ll Pmle/(   Asten Rathbun.              taken,  they  all  had  something  in
                                                                                                   common.  "It  may  have been bor-
                                                                          Sophomore  Amber Lulla had   ing,  it  may  have  been  great,  but
                   •Mg photo  glbumt,  Blg~k  Hi/It  gold, g,d mg lith  •   to  rely on her Spanish to communi-  school was  out, so  it  didn't really
                                         -fl'ethmafl D••• J•ll••••••   cate in  Germany!  "Sophomore  matter." said  sophomore Katie
                                                                     Lisanne Barnes,  former MN stu-  Murphy. O

                Reliving her childhood at Disney
                World is  sophomore Liz Retzer.
                (Jenny Glenn)

                Canoeing on  Birch Creek in
                 Alaska are sophomores Jenni and
                 Sarah Went.  Their boat tipped
                over and  they  lost all  of their
                 fishing poles.  (Michael Went)
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