Page 90 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 90

Jones, Trevor
                     Just, David
                    Just, Mi chael
                   Karm, Meli ssa
                   Kati s,  Lyndsey
                    Keith, Corey
                   Kell ar, Nathan

                     Kelpe,  Mark
                    Kerns, Holly
                    Kesin ger, Jill
                    Kilmer, John
                   Kinney, Kristy
                     Kirby,  Jason
                  Kirchn er, Casey

                    Kirke, Jason
                  Kirkebak, Adam
                   Kline, Heather
                 Kloeckner, David
                    Kneip, Heidi
                  Kni gge, Heather
                  Kni gge, Shawna

                 Kocarnik; Kri stin
                 Kolasin ski , Alicia
                    Kolbe, Arron
                Kostrunek, Theresa
                 Kousgaard , Nicole
                   Kranj c,  Carlin
                   Kroeger, Kev in

                                          For  special  occasions  like  Homecoming,
                                          senior Erin  Brown and  Jeff McLaughlin get
                                          dressed up . Most couples enj oyed the evening
                                          going  out  to  dinner  and  later  dancing  and
                                          being with  fri ends.  (Joanne McLaughlin)

                                          Putting  on  the  fin al touches before  getting
                                          ready to go on a first date is freshman Kri sti e
                                          Sexton. To do that hairspray was a necessary
                                          item. (Linda Carey)
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