Page 89 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 89
Hofschulte, Colleen
Hoke, Katie
Holl and, Kristen
Holl and, Thomas
Holl y, Ryan
Holm, Charles
Holman, Marcia
Holmquist, Andy
Holt, Allison
Hospodka, Rachel
Hoult, Angela
Hsieh, Shauyene
Hubel, Tina
Huff, Edward
Huffman, Erin
Hughes, Richard
Hursh, Warren
Irwin , Jenny
Jackson, Blake
Jackson; Brandy
Jaksich, Sarah
Jambor, Alex
Jenki ns, Andrew
Johann es, James
John son, Jacquie
Johnson, Todd
Johnston, Analee
Jones, Sabrina
Play Brings Challenges Cast
B M(U£4 Jeff McLaughlin ------ Soldier
Andy Faltin-------------Soldier
ringing out stories that really was then cut, using scenes that would
happened in Vietnam was the pur-
hardest part for all because each stu-
pose of the one-act play selected for stand out most. The last step was the Jeff Shannon----------.-.-Soldier
compet iti on under the direction of dent was required to know hi s/her
Terry Peterson. lines, and at times had to speak si- Jon Hickerson----------Soldier
Each year th e students in- multaneously with other characters.
volved in forensics are given the "lt was a privilege to be a part of such Elizabeth----------Young Leanne
choice to perform for the one act play a difficult but challengin g produc- Good brake
which was a contest that was put tion," seni or Trish Helligso said.
together by the students a nd Because many horror sto- Holly McAdams-----Old Leanne
Peterson. ri es have been heard about soldiers
Their decision to put to- and others involved, "the pl ay wanted Sarah Williams---Young Martha
gether a play call ed "A Piece of My to show how things really happened
Heart" was intended to show the in Vietnam. It gave a totally differ- Irish Helligso------Oid Martha
audience another view of one of ent perspective about Vietnam and
America's most devastating wars, how nurses and soldiers really dealt Sarah Turner-----Young Mary Jo
the Vietnam War. Each character in with the pressure. " It was a really
the piece was doubled up with an- powerful play," seni or Sarah Will- Sarah Freidlund-----Oid Mary Jo
othercharacter. One faced the memo- iams said.
ries of the war, and the other li ved Furthermore, beyond the LeAnna Ludlow-Young Whitney
them, so the theme was based on the story line, the play brought personal
actthatmany veterans from this war feelings for the students. " It was Stacy Sanchelli------Oid Whitney
ere still majorly affected by the such a learning experience to work
xperie nces that they faced. on a play that was so emotional. We Rachel Hospodka----Young Sissy
The students practiced for had a great cast who really pulled the
three weeks before the presentation play together,"sophomore Stacy Kati e VanOort------Oid Sissy
and were given a script. This script Sanchelli said.O