Page 91 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 91

Krupka, Corey
                                                                                                       Kucera, Ryan
                                                                                                       Kudlacek, Klint
                                                                                                       Kulish, Kenneth
                                                                                                       Kollman, Kevi n
                                                                                                       Kuncaiti s, Sara
                                                                                                       Labs, Jaime

                                                                                                        Lahmann, Sheila
                                                                                                        Lammert, Todd
                                                                                                        Lampert , Joseph
                                                                                                        Landsberg, Fi I i p
                                                                                                        Landsberg, Nils
                                                                                                        Lange, Theodore
                                                                                                        Lapierre, Danielle

                                                                                                        Latusick, Stacy
                                                                                                        Lavelle, Brett
                                                                                                        Leahy, Tony
                                                                                                        Leefers, Nicole
                                                                                                        Lentz, lason
                                                                                                        Leonard, Aaron
                                                                                                        Lewandowski, Tania

                                                                                                        Lewis, Kathleen
                                                                                                        Liddy, Seth
                                                                                                        Lincoln, Shantelle
                                                                                                        Linhardt, Adam
                                                                                                        Little, Brady
                                                                                                        Liu, Jennifer
                                                                                                        Lorello, Ross

  First  Dates  Cause  Jitters
  ,  'H                  je-Uica  Bock

            ey  Sally,  it's  me Bob  end date. Most guys didn't prepare
   from  your  science class.  I was won-  the outfit a week in advance or ask all
   dering  if you  would like to go to out  the boys for pointers for the date. "I
   thi s weekend."             decide what to  wear about half an
        "Well,  I'll love  to  go out  hour before I go pick her up," senior
   with  you  this  weekend, Bob."   John Bode said.
        "Great!  I' II  pick you up at   For some, the date might
   Friday  at  six.  See you then."   have been horrible,  but it  was not
        "Ya  Friday  at six, will  be  their date's fault.  "For Homecom-
   fine.  Se  ya  then. "      ing I had my hair done at a salon. I
        This  was  a  typical  phone  hated it  from the very  minute I had it
   conversation  that some  students   done, but I didn't have the nerve to
   might  have  encountered when being   tell my hairstylist.  So, I went home
   asked  out  for  the first time.   home, and I called my best friend and
        Then,  there was the prepa-  told  her how awful it  was, which
   ration  even  before the date actually  made me start to cry.  Then I had to
   took  place.  Even days before a date,  redo my make-up all  over again,"
   friends  were  asked  for  advice on  senior Katie VanOort said.
   what  to  wear.   "  I  usually don' t   Yet most people ended up
  decide  what  to  wear until  before;  having a great first date, that became
   then  I rush  to  the mall  to find some-  the  first of many.  "My boyfriend
   thing,"  senior Amy Niessen said.   and I  started out with a  first date   Senior Steve Thomson practices tieing hi s tie
        The  guys  took a  different  which lead into a great relationship,"   for hi s date. Choosin g just the ri ght  one was
  approach  to preparing for a   week-  senior Jaimie Moresette said. 0   important for th e perfect look.
                                                              (Kristen Mollner)
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