Page 93 - 1995.Millard.North
P. 93

Miller, Adam
                                                                                                        Miller, Jennifer
                                                                                                        Miller,  Kelli
                                                                                                        Millikan, Trevor
                                                                                                        Mills,  Christi ne
                                                                                                        Milone, Ri cky
                                                                                                        M in arich, Joseph

                                                                                                        Miner, Amy
                                                                                                        Minino, Nicole
                                                                                                        Molden, Paul
                                                                                                        Moloney, Jeannette
                                                                                                        Moore, Robyn
                                                                                                        Morrill, Nathan
                                                                                                        Morri s,  Christine

                                                                                                        Morrison, Lee
                                                                                                        Morrow,  Andrew
                                                                                                        Morraw, Todd
                                                                                                        Moseman, Nathaniel
                                                                                                        Moss, Jed
                                                                                                        Moss, Johann a
                                                                                                        Moss, Karen

                                                                                                        Mouw, Nicholas
                                                                                                        Mueggenberg, Dean
                                                                                                        Musfeldt, Aaron
                                                                                                        Musgrave, Emily
                                                                                                        Nabors, Cindy
                                                                                                        Naple, Leah
                                                                                                        Nathan, Benjamin

    Concerts Bring Fun, Entertain01ent

    T    ho  bt;ght  ];ghts,  m"';"g   half depended  on  if people were   razor  blades," said F'i'iedlund.
    crow d, and  the dense fog above the   dancing around, moshing their   Not all students like to at-
    audience  bring  some  people ex-  hearts  out, or just  having  a  good   tend just rock concerts. "I went to
    citement.  All  these elements com-  time."                 see Pamela Frunk and  her dad  at
    bined  to  produce  some  awesome    Concerts provided a  lot   Jocelyn  Art Museum  downtown.
    concerts.                    more than  just good music.  A con-  They were both really good violin-
          Somemajorconcertshave   cert was a great way to  meet new   ists," said  Friedlund.
    been  held  in  Nebraska in  the last   people, and it  was also something   Concerts were held several
    year.  Many  in  which have com-  to  do besides partying, junior  Do-  times a year, in many different loca-
    pletely  filled-up the several  differ-  minique  Held  said .  "I think con-  tions.  There were many  ways stu-
    ent concert hall s around the heart-  certs were safer,  because there was   dents  were informed of upcoming
    land .  A  few  of these  bands  in-  a lot more supervision, so it was a   concerts.  A  few  ways to  find out
    cluded  Stone Temple  Pilots,  311,   lot  easier to get caught doing some-  when the concerts were nearby, stu-
    NinelnchNails, Brooks and Dunn,   thing you knew you shouldn't have   dents could have li stened to the ra-
    Kenny  G. , and  Offspring.  There   been doing," said  Held.   dio  for  announcements,  or found
    were  many  concerts, for the many   "At  the beginning  of the   fliers that were being passed around
    different  styles and tastes of music.   Nine Inch Nails concert they had a   sophomore  T.J. Kiernan  said.
          "The goodness of a con-  show  that  demonstrated strange   "Ticket Master usually knows
    cert  was  fifty-fifty," junior Sarah   abilities.  My friend almost fainted   what is going to be in  town so, call-
    Friedlund  said .  "Half of it  de-  because the crowd was packed and   ing  them  would probably be your
    pended  on  the mu sic and the other   the guy on stage was swallowing  best bet," said Held.  0
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