Tarea: Español IV
Beginning review
Lección 1
Expresiones útiles: | (español -> inglés) | (inglés -> español)
Spanish IV
Spanish Club
Millard North
1. Greetings/everyday slang
2. Greetings/slang PPT
3. Linguafolio instructions
4. SSR
5. Study Spanish set up
6. Conjuguemos set up
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1. vocab list
2. Mnemonic devices_07 | 08
3. computer lab 8-24
4. vocabulary practice | answers
5. frases para traducir
6. Ser/Estar NOTES
7. Errores comunes
8. quiz study sheet
9. exam study sheet
10. oral exam criteria
11. verb games: battleship 1 | 2 | pop ups | "jeopardy"
12. verb chart (mostly stem changes) KEY
13. fútbol americano
14. oye el boom_blancos (canción) escuchar
Lección 3
Listening activities: identificación | que no se me olvide | ocho horas después | para eso están los amigos | preguntas | ¿y tú? | cuando era soltero | el gran cambio de Amparo | ¿Cómo eras tú antes?
2. La vida diaria PPTs: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 juego: #1
3. Memory tricks for vocabulary
4. Review session for vocabulary
5. Direct Object / Indirect Object Pronouns notes
6. Object practice (10/30)
7. SET: object practice (Wed. 10/31)
8.SET: object practice #2
9. Preterite notes
Listen to students your classmates making fools of themselves singing a fun little song to remember preterite irregulars! Click HERE or on the frog below:
10. Hoy me voy sheet | escuchar
11. Imperfect notes - 11/12
12. Computer lab - 11/13
13. verb chart from quiz
14. story assignment (helpful vocab) 11/15
14. Computer lab - 11/19
15. SET pret/imp. - 11/16
16. juego injusto
Lección 4
2. Los viajes: PPT
3. vocabulary practice
4. travel skit
5. battleship
6. Present perfect and past participle notes
7. Por y Para notes
8. Por y para cheat sheet
9. por y para fill-in/rules
10. matemateconjuguemos
11. PHOTOSTORY PROJECT | Rubric | example
Lección 5
Listen and practice pronouncing:
consulta-permanecer | enfermedad-desmayarse | hacerse-la salud | tensión-cirujano
Listen and practice translating:
#1 | #2 | #3 | #4
Pronunciation practice:
SAM listening activities
p. 181 1 2 3 182 1 2 3 183 1 2 3 184 1 2 3 185 1 2 3
2. Body parts PPT
3. Me duele,etc. notes
4. Gotas de agua dulce | A Dios le pido
5. SET #1
6. Subjunctive notes
7. SET #2
8. SET #3
9. doctor/paciente roleplay
10. Juego de basquetbol
11. Formal commands notes
12. Podcast project website
13. Vocab/subjunctive quiz practice
14. Curanderismo article
Lección 7
Listening practice & pronunciation
p. 193 1 2 3 194 1 2 195 1 2 196 1 2 197 1 2
SAM p. 196 questions (if you don't have your SAM)
2. Los trabajos PPT
3. Mnemonic devices 2008
Futbol americano (3/26)
crear 4 frases (3/26)
juego injusto - sentence practice (3/27)
4. lista de vocabulario
5. neuter article "lo"
6. posesivos
7. subjunctive packet
8. ?'s for pckt
9. imperfect subjunctive PPT
10. Imperfect Subjunctive worksheet
11. Transitional expressions
12. Beginning computer lab (3/17)
13. Computer lab instructions
14. unfair game - imperfect subjunctive + vocabulary
15. transition expressions mnemonics
16. Review sheet for exam | answers
District Assessments & Semester/Year end review
1. 1st semester: SELF ASSESSMENT(essay)
2. Semester 1 review activity
3. semester end vocab list
4. year end vocab list
5. year end grammar cheat sheet
6. translation practice | answer key
7. grammar practice (select grammar on left)
8. Correction practice
Verbs review
1. semester 1 verb chart
2. blank verb chart
3. year end - verb tenses chart
4. verbs you should know
5. review tenses on conjuguemos | claves
El Novio robado
1. questions
2. book questions translated, #1-4
El Concierto siniestro
1. packet
El secreto de la nieve
1. comprehension questions
1. Futuro PPT | 2. horoscopo worksheet | 3. calentamiento global
4. brochure for Spanish-speaking country
5. Music unit: pretest/notes | oral assessment | written assessment